Monday, April 22, 2024

Travis is Going on Tour

Katie and Travis Clark just dropped a big announcement. Their move to East Tennessee is a decision that they have been praying about since the middle of last year, and the reason is something that they can now share. Travis is going on tour! The artist's name is Joseph Habedank, and the tour starts soon. Living in Knoxville will allow Travis to be a few hours from Nashville, while Katie and Hailey are close to family.


  1. Well, of course they needed to be in Tennessee, then. All that sneering at Katie for wanting to be near her family. . . what's wrong with that, anyway? The Clarks can deal with Travis moving south--adult children can't always live in your backyard.

  2. Good thing they moved. Having a "nice house" in NJ is not a reason to stay put and pass up opportunites elsewhere.

  3. All the ugliness directed towards Katie about this move was astonishing. And completely misguided, too.

    1. For real. The cattiness and gossip made me feel like I was in junior high again.

  4. I'm so excited for Travis! I love Joseph Habedank's music (at least his older stuff,not too pleased with his new stuff because he seems to be shifting towards Christian Contemporary from Southern Gospel). I've listened to his version and Travis's version of Big Enough and hope they can do a duet sometime of the song to release as a single on the Southern Gospel Music charts.

  5. Well considering Katie got jealous when a batista said hi to Travis, I'm thinking she will definitely not enjoy him being on the road, but she will keep it to herself.

    1. Women should stick together and support each other. So much hate on a young mother!

    2. I don't understand why women are so cruel to other women. Insecurity, I guess, and jealousy. Katie does seem pretty happy, and I guess that's triggering to some women who are less so.

    3. Agree 6:30. Many marriages suffer when one partner has to be on the road, whether the other partner stays home or come along. Your life is not your own when you're following someone's schedule.

    4. They will make their marriage work. My daughter is a military wife with an officer husband. In the past 5 years he has been away 3. My husband is in high tech and on the road 85% of the time. With a solid foundation in Christ, with a desire to follow Christ’s teachings, and a love for family we make it work. Fifteen years for my daughter, thirty nine for me. It depends if you trust your relationship and in the Lord’s way.

    5. It’s none of our business why Katie & Travis moved; but I get Katie wanting to be close to her family when he’s touring. However, if she has jealousy tendencies or is insecure; moving closer to family will not help. Being separated from her husband while he tours must not being sitting well with Gil & Kelly. IBLP husband and wive stick together like glue!

    6. @6:02 Been there done that. I was a military wife too. All the Bible reading and Christ following in the world cannot make up for your partner not being home with you. It won't fill an empty bed or an empty seat at the table. You're kidding yourself or in denial if you think absence and separation makes a marriage wonderful. It makes it a shell, hollow inside. The smile put on for the world to see but something essential is missing. I didn't know any military wife who didn't want her husband home. Make it work? Sounds like a forced compromise or resignation for a situation you don't really want.

  6. Congratulations on your move. New baby coming and sing with Joseph Habendenk


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