Sunday, April 7, 2024

The Keilens Tell Their Story of Infertility

Michael and Brandon Keilen will celebrate nine years of marriage in August. Many of you know that they have experienced infertility. They shared parts of their journey on the show, but for the first time they are ready to tell more of their story publicly. So grab a box of tissues and sit down with the Keilens, as they walk viewers though the joys and sorrows that they have experienced along this road of infertility (YouTube link below). After years of being unable to get pregnant, this precious couple found out that they were expecting a little girl, and you can imagine how elated they were. That joy soon turned to grief, but it was through that grief that they truly felt God’s presence. 

Brandon and Michael Keilen: Our Infertility Story


  1. I admire their attitude. After all they've been through, I wouldn't have been OK with this outcome.

    1. Yes agreed!! They are the sweetest couple & would make fabulous parents!

  2. Michaela should take advantage of this situation to work and travel. It will help her with her grief. Sitting at home doing nothing is the worst you can do.

    1. Everyone deals with disappointment and greif differently. She does what works for her.

    2. Stay at home wives/mom's don't sit around doing nothing. Good grief why do people think that? Just because they don't have careers doesn't mean they have nothing to do. I'm stay at home and the months of December thru March are the only months where I have time on my hands. Otherwise it's work work work from the day I start my seedlings in early spring to the last deer cut up and packaged in November. Living on 20 acres of vegetables, fruit and hunting land keeps me busy.

    3. Michaela does many many beautiful things, only some of which Brandon mentions on this video. Presuming things that are not true and giving advice that is not kind hearted are behaviors I find disheartening.

    4. I believe she is a licensed practical nurse; she also runs a business, Keilen's Corner.

    5. 6:48 I don't think that the Keilins live on 20 acres where they grow their own produce and hunt and process their own meat. Michael has been trained as a nurse. It's not unreasonable that she would find a job in her profession. There's a shortage of nurses and caregivers across the country.

    6. I don't think they do live on such acreage. My point was I'm stay at home and I'm busy. As for shortage of nurses maybe we should ask why there is such a shortage.

    7. 6:44 Because of a rising population of aging patients requiring health care, there's an increased demand for health care workers in all positions. There's a high turnover rate due to stressful working conditions, long and brutal hours, and understaffed facilities. Compensation is another issue. There's also a lack of nursing educators.

    8. Doing nothing???? Do you spend
      Her days with her?? Very judgmental

  3. I feel so sad for them. After years of waiting, they finally thought they were going to get their heart's desire only to have it snatched away. Yet they still soldier on.

  4. Broke my heart hearing their story. I didn't know she had a pregnancy in 2021, and her emotions reliving the excitement of being pregnant and the despair of her miscarriage were hard to watch without crying. God Bless them both. I hope one day they can experience parenthood, either through having their own baby, or adoption, or foster care.

  5. That was very insensitive to say they didn’t want kids. They want kids. I hope Michaela Keilen is able to get pregnant again and stay pregnant for 9 months and give birth to live babies and no more miscarriages. She should find out if the risk of miscarriages can be decreased since some of her sisters have that problem. She and Brandon are destined to be parents. My aunt and uncle adopted 2 daughters from China, because my aunt couldn’t get pregnant.

    1. They stated that they've sought medical advice and had numerous tests done. They were told that if she did conceive, in all likelihood she would miscarry. It stands to reason that her doctors considered any options that would help her have a successful pregnancy.

  6. I'm so thankful that Brandon and Michael shared something so personal and private. I admire their courage and fortitude. As I watched, I was left in tears. Prayers for them.

  7. Maybe IVF was not as n option (they spoke about testing and receiving lots of “nos”. Agree, keeping busy with a purpose helps some people. But their sadness is complicated with families that are constantly pregnant. Such a reminder of them not being pregnant is multiplied by all the happy announcements . They’re human after all; it just has to take a toll.🙏

  8. Maybe IVF was not as n option (they spoke about testing and receiving lots of “nos”. Agree, keeping busy with a purpose helps some people. But their sadness is complicated with families that are constantly pregnant. Such a reminder of them not being pregnant is multiplied by all the happy announcements . They’re human after all; it just has to take a toll.🙏

  9. God Bless Both Michael and Brandon. God works in mysterious ways. Don't ever give up.

  10. This couple received a cruel blow and are doubling down on trusting God to deal with it. Who knows why.

  11. I'm proud of how they take this. Something good will come their way.

  12. Something good will happen for them.

  13. I can't imagine how heartbreaking it must be to suffer infertility when it is the only goal of your life.

    1. Which is precisely why Michaela should put her nursing license to use. She'll be helping people and it will take her mind off her situation. It is not good to just sit home feeling sorry for yourself.

    2. For sure. Plus having your parents intoning "God is in control of the womb". I'd pack my bags and move away from them.

    3. Becoming a mother isn't the only goal Michael has,she got qualifications in nursing so she has intentions to work as a nurse,I'm sure she's actively looking for work,and because they love children I'm sure they will adopt in the future but she would need to work for a while before applying for adoption as the requirement is to be economically stable and as Brandon's job isn't secure writing books occasionally ,they would both need to work,but I'm pretty sure they're goal is to adopt now they've seen the infertility can't be resolved, they are probably not saying anything yet as they want to wait until they are at least on the waiting list or maybe even until they get the news that a baby has been approved and them.

    4. Exactly. I struggled with infertility for 10 years before having my one and only child (much to everyone's surprise, including mine). However, unlike this couple I had a very supportive family who didn't worship fertility like the Bates family does.

    5. Anyone who deals with infertility suffers, whether it's their only goal or one of many goals.

  14. My heart goes out to them. This would be the worst family in the world to be part of if you're struggling with infertility. They are all obsessed with having babies and the parents run around claiming "God is in control of the womb".

    1. They never seem to have an explanation for why God doesn't favor some of them with babies, though. They only use that "control" claim when things are going well.

  15. God bless this beautiful couple. They are genuine, wonderful people. I keep them in prayer.

  16. Why can't one of their sisters be a surrogate for them? They're popping out kids left and right!

    1. That would be really good, but somehow I don't see that happening.

    2. They are children not a potluck dish. She has already said that wasn't an option.

  17. anonymous @ April. 8 2:47 pm. I agree if God is in control maybe God doesn't want her to have children. Maybe he wants her to adopt God that is. My take on this

    1. 9:23 If god is in control, why did he allow Michael to conceive at all? If he didn't want her to have biological children, was he not paying attention? Did he catch his mistake and then cause her to miscarry? My take is that there is no higher power controlling anything. Stuff happens... good, bad and everything in-between. It's what you call life, and it doesn't care who you are, or if it's fair or not.

    2. Then what’s the point? Why have any moral compass at all? Might as well go around doing whatever you want. Killing people, stealing, who cares right? It’s just life

  18. I'm want to apologize to all the women here suffering from infertility who have had the same thoughtless comments said to them that I'm reading here. I'm surprised that some were allowed to go through but of course there is the "We are allowed to share our opinion" and never mind that it could be hurtful to the countless women here who know the Keilen's pain. Again I'm so very sorry for what you are going through.

  19. I watched their story and I know a couple in my church who can relate to them. They also have been married for 10 years this August,in their early 30's and have struggled to start a family. They now have decided to adopt a child, but not just any child,one who is deaf that they can love and teach and use their ability to do ASL to communicate with he or she. It's taking a lot of time for the adoption agency to find a match since not many deaf infants or kids come up for adoption. Plus they still have to get their home ready and the approval by the state to qualify for adoption. Hope Michael and Brandon consider adoption as another option to have kids but keep an open mind that they still could get pregnant again by God's grace and miracle's.

  20. Infertility is a unique heartbreak, in that it's such a lonely and isolating place to be and it's one that can string you along for a very long time. The road is filled with ups, downs, hopes and disappointments that can lead you to no resolution at all. I personally do not believe in any divine entity that is planning anything for us or has decided to throw this particular trial at the Kellen's. Life is unfair and no one is guaranteed anything. Stuff happens and we're at the mercy of time, chance and sometimes our own decisions. If the Kellen's are pursuing adoption, I sincerely hope it works out for them. My husband and I adopted two wonderful kids nearly 30 years ago and we wouldn't change a thing.

  21. I hope she’s able to get pregnant again, but if she can’t she and Brandon should adopt newborns. They would be just as good of adoptive parents as they would as biological parents.

    1. There are plenty of older children waiting for permanent homes, very few newborns.

    2. Not any more, 1:34.

    3. If you know nothing about children available for adoption, just say that. Don’t make yourself sound uneducated

  22. They are caught in a sad situation. It's very hard not to be able to have children if you want them, but being immersed in the IBLP culture where everyone is supposed to have large families makes it far worse.

    1. Not everyone has large families. When you allow God to be in control, it is likely you will have “large families” by cultures standards. Doesn’t mean everyone has 20 or even 10 kids.

  23. I sincerely feel for them. However, when I listen to Brandon talk about their struggle with having children; I question his demeanor. I can’t help but wonder if he does not really want children or is frustrated with Michael not being able to carry a baby or could it truly be he is the problem??? He just gives off a vibe that doesn’t sit authentic with me.

    1. I think Brandon truly wants children, but I have the feeling he's rather angry and frustrated due to his lack of control over Michael's ability to get pregnant or to carry a pregnancy to term.

    2. For all we know, it could be Brandon causing the infertility. 40% of all cases are caused by the man.

    3. Do you honestly think their dr didn’t consider that he could be a factor 😒

  24. Praying that the Lord will bless them with a child! 🙏✝️They will be wonderful parents when He does!

    1. If god doesn't want them to have kids, how will prayer change his mind?

    2. So if they don't get a baby, does that meant God doesn't like them? I think we should avoid this kind of rationale.

  25. In a family this size it's not at all uncommon for at least one couple to be infertile. However, when someone has been taught that having babies is their primary function in life, they will tend to feel somehow damaged and/or inferior to those who are able to have children. Then there's the TV show which glorified fertility.

    1. I think it's even more than that. This devout family believes that god answers prayers if you are faithful. To be the one who hasn't been able to have biological children, despite their appeal to god, must be even more brutal. You'd always be second guessing yourself and what you might have done to displease god or not earn the privilege of having your prayers answered. Of course, the typical theist response when prayers aren't answered as you want or expect is "god works in mysterious ways". God is covered no matter what. It's cruel.

    2. Anon 1:31. I don't know why they believe that God is stitting in hearven handing out or denying people babies based on some sort pattern on his devising.

    3. I don't believe that any god would give you the proper body parts for reproduction and then deny your using them, as some sort of control or punishment. Just take that out of the equation and focus on finding and fixing the medical reasons why fertility is not happening. That will resolve things faster than any prayer or wishful thinking.

    4. They don’t teach that God answers prayers if you’re faithful. That’s the prosperity gospel. God isn’t a magic genie. We are called to be faithful, no matter the circumstances.

  26. This family is full of pregnancy related health problems (clotting issues, severe illness during prgnancy, blackout's, etc.). I hope she realizes that without modern medicine her sists with the clotting problem couldn't have babies either.

    1. Well her physical problems sure appear to be hereditary. Hmmm...

  27. I know they want to have a baby. But since they believe "God is in control of the womb", perhaps it's time for them to accept their lot in life and realize they aren't going to have a baby.

    1. Actually, some women have had surprise babies after several decades of infertility.

  28. If Micheala hasn't kept up with her LPN license or her continuing education, she by law she is not allowed to be a nurse all of it expired would have to start all over again. Better than depending on you tube videos.

    1. I'm sure she can figure out to watch some CE online to keep up her license. If she's smart enough to get a license, she's smart enough to do her CE. Are you worried she's practicing unlicensed? She doesn't seem like the type.

  29. Don't give up hope. My parents were married when they were 16 and 21. I (an only) was born 13 years later.

    1. Why would a 16 year old get married and why would parents allow it? Huge maturity difference at those ages, too. There must be some story here.

    2. My friends parents married at 15 and 25. I always wondered if there was a story to but people getting married at so called early ages was pretty common not that long ago. Age gap means nothing if the couple truly love each other.

    3. Because 16 yo were 100 times more mature than they are now, for starters

  30. In God's perfect timing He will give you the desires of your heart. We don't know when, how or what it will be, but we know His plan for us is better than our own. I have two miracle children and I was much older than you are. You are a mama to your heavenly baby girl 💕 and I pray that you will be holding a sweet rainbow baby soon. Your shading your journey is helping others more than you know.


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