
Friday, September 20, 2019

Lawson's New Single and Katie's New Friend

Katie Bates, summer 2019
The Bates always have something interesting happening with at least one family member. This week, Lawson released his new single and music video (see our post from earlier today), and Bringing Up Bates returned with new episodes. And according to Gil Bates, "Katie's got a new friend." This unofficial announcement from the Bates dad comes just days after Trace Bates officially announced his relationship with Chaney. Stay tuned for more!

Photo courtesy of Katie Bates


  1. She looks like her sister Erin and her sister Josie.

    1. Yes i agree! If the picture isn't real focused, im like oh look at Erin... but it's Katie. She looks nice in the picture.

  2. She looks like her sister Erin and her sister Josie.

  3. MO- It's been so long since The Bates program was on that I forgot to tune in on Thursday night... haha- Katie is so cute, I'm not surprised she has a "special friend". We'll see if she has to go through a courtship or if she can just have a boyfriend. Many of your viewers have said that The Bates don't have to have courtships. But I don't know of one Bates girl that hasn't gone through a courtship. Trace just has a girlfriend, I haven't heard of a courtship for him. Just wondering?? :o)

    1. Yes he is, just announced the other day

  4. Time 2:10PM Fri 9/20/19
    This should be good.

  5. Another of the younger adults in the prospect of a relationship,and two of the older ones still single and having to keep a brave face as younger siblings find love,same happened to the Duggar children,John and Jana left single as all their siblings got married,now John has finally found someone,and I'm sure Jana will soon and so will Lawson and Nathan,it's tough the wating game,to think that John and Abbie could have gotten together years earlier as their families knew each other a long time,I guess they met before but did'nt have time to talk to each other and realise they were a good match,they were probably busy talking to their now inlaws of the same gender,same with Josiah and Lauren.

    1. 9:20 Why do you assume the single siblings are miserable and having to "put on a brave face"? Even though they might one day hope to find a partner, it's entirely within the realm of possibilities that they like their current single status. Also, it appears that the single Bates young men spend a good deal of time away from the homestead. They have more freedom to go out and do their own thing, more so than the daughters have had. I doubt they are in the company of chaperones or living lives of lonely bachelors.

    2. It may come as a surprise to you, but not all single people are pining away, putting on a brave face while they wait around for Mr. or Miss Right. Some people simply don't want to get married or have kids, but find fulfillment in other ways. I think you're projecting your own feelings here just a wee bit. We should not place our expectations on other people.

    3. 11:20... getting married for many people is not a disease. It’s not a cold you catch and then have to “put up with”. Waiting for the right person God sends you, whether that person comes along at an early age or later on in life, isn’t a death sentence to your freedom. To view marriage as a “ball & chain” situation is a big issue in our culture and one of the many reasons marriages fail so often. Choosing to get married isn’t losing your freedom when it’s the right person. It is actually the opposite. It is using your freedom to choose to enjoy and share life with another human being you actually like being around and don’t want to do life without. I believe the Bates’ kids are just living their lives for Jesus and making choices based on the next thing they feel God is leading them to do. Don’t get me wrong, there are horrible marriages out there and ones where people have gotten into tough situations but that’s usually because of ignorance and rushing into it without truly evaluating the other person and refusing/not believing it necessary to wait on God.

    4. Right,so you think they are single by choice,do you realise Nathan would be married by now if his relationship with Ashley had worked,plus they can do all the things they are doing now even when they are married,getting married and having children are blessings for this family.

    5. @1:31- Who said that getting married is a disease? On the contrary, there are comments here implying that single people are unhappy while they wait around for someone to marry. It is foolish to expect that every person should be or wishes to be married on some timetable. If you find that special person and you want to tie the knot, that's wonderful. I've been happily married for a very long time, but I have friends who never had the desire to be and they are quite content with their lives. As far as waiting for God to direct one's path, IMO people use that platitude to justify what are simply choiced based on their own desires or intuition.

    6. @3:22- I think the point is that we can't know why they're still single. Some fans commenting here assume these young Bates bachelors are lonely unhappy souls, which might not be the case at all. Nathan may not have been ready to marry anybody at that time, not just Ashley. If, for whatever reason, one or more of the Bates never do get married, will you think less of them for it?
      BTW, once you are married and have children, you cannot do all the things you did when you were single. Not saying that's a bad thing, but it's the reality. (Looking back, the number #1 difference for me was lack of sleep with small kids in the house!)

    7. Anon1:31- Are you saying that Jesus expects every person get married? Marriage might be right for some people, but not everyone and I think the Lord would agree. The Bates kids could very well all find spouses and be very happy. However, I don't assume they all will or necessarily want to follow that path, because I can't read their minds. Neither can you.

  6. I sincerely hope that the young women watching this show do not feel that finding a "feller" at 18 and getting married before you're 20 is some kind of ideal or goal to achieve. Yes, young marriages can work out and I hope only the best for the Bates kids as they enter adulthood and start families. However, divorce is the most common among couples under the age of 25, with money problems being one of the main reasons. Few people have a reality TV show to healthily supplement their lifestyle. There's nothing wrong with taking plenty of time to get to know someone. If it's true love, it can be patient. You'll be married, hopefully, for the rest of your life. Use that formative young adult time to get to know yourself well and experience some independence. Remember that the Bates' daughters don't leave home unless it's to get married and start a family. They have no practical experience in living on their own. I'm certainly not down on marriage and having kids. I've been married almost 30 years and have adult kids of my own. I just think it important for fans not to idolize a TV family whose show is 99% about courtships, proposals, weddings, and pregnancy announcements.

    1. Wise advice and very well said.

    2. I definitely respect your view on this situation but I believe to judge a family correctly, you must take into consideration their main focus which is Jesus Christ. The Bates have said many times that the most important part of life is not how much money you have or what type of job but it is family and the people in your life that are truly the most important when your life is over on this earth. Coming from someone who has been near death a few times, I can tell you when I was wondering whether or not I would survive... I was not thinking about money, my job, or my house... the main things on my heart were Jesus and eternal life and my kids and family. The Bates honor family and hold those relationships such a marriage and children in high esteem because they have witnessed what truly matters when your life is done on Earth.

    3. Thanks so much Lily & Ellie for all of the updates! I love seeing the transformation of the family and how each one of them is growing and moving forward with what God has for them. Such a precious family <3 I am very excited for both Katie & Trace. Keep the updates coming! Many of us very much appreciate it ; )

    4. 4:32- So, in order to please the Lord, you should get married as young as possible and start having kids right away? That doesn’t make any sense. Also, I don’t think the OP was advocating putting material things above family, rather simply suggesting that young women shouldn’t be in a rush to get married. It makes sense to be financially secure in order to support a family. You don’t have to be rich, but you should be able to provide for their basic needs.

  7. Can't wait to hear more about it. Happy for you Katie!
    I'm sure he's a blessing. We can all use good friends and if he becomes more... it will be because the Lord ordained it. Amen!

  8. Agree with September 21 9:31 a.m. Also, remember how Erin and her guy courted for about 2 or 3 years before getting married. They got married right before Erin's last semester of college. Chad might have graduated the same year or the year before . S.

  9. Oh, Tori also dated/courted for a while, and then got married right before the last semester of college. I do know her guy finished college the year before . S.

  10. Many of you act as though these kids are required to marry at 18. Not everyone wants to marry and become parents at such a young age. There's nothing wrong with waiting until you're in your mid to late 20's or longer.


  11. I'm 47 and I've never had a boyfriend.

  12. I wonder if it will be awkward for Lawson's future special someone to look back on these romantic videos with other beautiful young ladies...

    1. It should not cause any problems. He is an actor! She should be mature enough to understand acting.


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