
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Zach Bates' Florida Proposal

In honor of Zach and Whitney Bates' third wedding anniversary, let's take a look at this video of their engagement. Zach's elaborate proposal plan led the couple to Florida, where they checked multiple items off Whitney's bucket list before Zach popped the question on the beach.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. He did so good on the proposal! So did Chad and Brandon.

  2. Is my memory correct that Zack was either engaged or in a courtship before Whitney? I seem to remember seeing it on the Duggar show once and it took place at the Bates' home. Perhaps it was with Whitney but I don't remember it that way.

    1. Zach was courting a girl before Whitney, but they weren't courting all that long before they mutually decided they weren't the right fit for each other.

    2. Kathy: Zach was in a courtship with Whitney back then.

    3. Yes, you are correct Zach was in a courtship before Whitney.

  3. I can't figure out why all these couples are so obsessed with "when we got engaged, anniversaries, 6 month anniversaries " etc. Life moves on. It's a natural evolutionary process. They had their time to be the bride/groom and now the honeymoon is over so to speak. I have been married over 2 decades...I don't need to remind people of it all the time.

    1. I totally agree the time for narcissism is over, they have children now. Besides you should not search for reasons to be happy, just be happy.

    2. I think because 1 out 3 marriages ending in a divorce this days. They just wanna keep counting the years wherein they still like each other, that's all. Congratulations with the 20 years btw! More that most can say this years

    3. (A) Zach and Whitney didn't write this post, the blogger did.
      (B) Celebrating an anniversary is a pretty common practice. Going back and reminiscing about your wedding day or the day you got engaged is also a natural thing to do on your anniversary. My husband and I have been married 15 years, and I always look at wedding pictures and remember special moments from that day. I also put up one of our wedding pictures as my Facebook profile picture for the day. What's wrong with a walk down memory lane? Unless you don't want to remember the past?

  4. @8:52 I agree with you as I have been married a long time as well. I think its just common now for everything to be over the top in part due to social media. Everything is recorded and then posted on Facebook, twitter, snap chat etc. Of course none of that existed when I got engaged and married!! They are all trying to outdo each other which ultimately saddens me as I don't think young people (Christian or not) even comprehend just "being". I even see it in the groups at Church. The Mommies have to be the best Mommy...wives have to be the best wife...husbands have to be the best most romantic husband...instead of keeping up with the Jones it's keeping up with the Christian Club, and quite frankly it's exhausting. Having said that I do wish Zack and Whitney a very happy anniversary!

    1. @ 8:52 and 12:12. I agree with both of you as well. This is why I quit going to the women's groups at Church. We had MOPS (Mother's of Pre-schoolers Aglow, Proverbs 31 wife etc. They all became social clubs of who could out due the other. No thank you...I didn't join a sorority in college, and I certainly didn't need to compete with the popular "mommies" in Church! I love the Lord, my husband and children, but there is no way I wanted to try and keep up with who had the best ring, best proposal, best wedding, most thoughtful husband, the most children in the shortest amount of time ( followed by who had the most traumatic and painful home birth stories). Sometimes my children's Bible studies came in the form of Veggie Tales, and I actually didn't applaud my husband for taking out the trash. Having said all this in light of living in a society where marriage is not particularly honored I do respect these couples for trying to show a good ( if a bit unrealistic) example of love and respect toward one another. Happy Anniversary to Zach and Whitney---wishing to many lovely years together.

    2. I'm really grateful to have grown up, gotten married, and had kids before the internet, selfie, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest age. What a burden it seems to me to feel compelled to document your lives online for others to see, to have to keep up with the Joneses even on party decorations, engagements, etc. What was wrong with the guy taking you to dinner or your favorite spot and getting down on one knee?

  5. Because everyone does that it's what you do know. It's a new decade.
    Just because you don't do that doesn't mean everyone should do what you do.

  6. Because all our anniversaries are important. I remember ours and I've been married over 20 years too!

  7. We have searched itunes and amazon looking for Zach and whitney's wedding also John and Alyssa's wedding,why can't we find it?


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